Monday, May 13, 2013

Oh Look! Another Warhammer Blog!

Greeting gamers!  Welcome to the Warhammer Daily!  Before we go any further, let me explain the purpose of the Warhammer Daily.  Recently a friend of mine shared a challenge that he's been doing called a "365 challenge".   Basically it's a challenge that you undertake where you attempt to do something for 365 days in a row.  In the case of my friend, he wanted to do something Warhammer hobby related for the duration of the challenge.  A lofty goal indeed.  I thought to myself, "There's no way I'd be able to do that.  There's just too many times where it wouldn't be possible.  What do I do if I'm on vacation?  Or sick?  Or just feel tired and hungover?" Yep, it's tough to do.  That's why they call it a "challenge" right?  So I got to thinking about what I might be able to manage doing for 365 days besides eating, sleeping, breathing, or some other cop out idea.  So, I thought I would do something that I do more often than I would care to admit.  Try to learn about Warhammer.

Compared to the guys I play with, I'm relatively "fresh" when it comes to Warhammer Fantasy.  Most of my knowledge comes from pouring over the rules for my own armies.  (Tomb Kings and Ogres)  When it comes to "knowing my enemy", I'm a bit lacking in that department.  So here's what I hope to accomplish with this blog.  Everyday for 365 days, I'm going to aspire to post at least one nugget of information that I've learned during the course of the day.  Some days it will be short and sweet, and some days I might ramble on if I'm feeling particularly spunky.  Who knows, maybe one day it will evolve into doing a few videos if I need to use some visual aids.  One word of warning though.  I'm not a writer.  My wife is the english major, not me.  Some days it'll be crude and painful to read because I won't take the time to proof read it before I post.  :)  I know it sounds lazy, but this is a challenge so I have to cut a few corners here and there.   Hopefully the act of writing something everyday will help me improve on that too. 

So here we go!  My initial plan is going to be cover a different army book everyday starting in alphabetical order.  Here's the list:

Chaos Dwarf (Tamurkhan)
Daemons of Chaos
Dark Elves
High Elves
Ogre Kingdoms
Orcs and Goblins
Tomb Kings
Vampire Counts
Warriors of Chaos
Wood Elves

Occasionally I might break the routine to cover something different like "Things that I didn't know about the main rulebook" or other stuff like army specific magic lores.  But in the end I'm also hoping that you, the reader, can also benefit from what I'm learning.  I would like this to grow into a community where you guys can teach me as much if not more than what is being posted here.  You can do that by offering suggestions and posting in the comments for each article.  

So let's get started.  It'll be little while though.  I have to go learn something about Beastmen.  

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